Technical Solution
| 1
min read
LibreOffice Basic can use the object model of Open Office. Take the ThisComponent object which is the active document. It has a method to get the tables getTextTables.

Technical Solution
| 2
min read
LibreOffice uses Apache OpenOffice.org. It provides complete object model for the office documents. BASIC used as the programming language. In Basic macro the object 'ThisComponent' represents the active document.

Technical Solution
| 2
min read
Libre Office is an awesome tool which enable you to write your own macro to automate different repetitive tasks. This tutorial will help you to write a macro using BASIC in LibreOffice calc.

Technical Solution
| 2
min read
If you have a vector and you need to fill it with some predefined data, we have to call push_back() with those data that many times. Its so tiring like the following.

Technical Solution
| 2
min read
For a long time I used to develop and maintained C++ applications. Sure the version is 98. But lot of things are happening in C++ community that I was not aware of. Now I got some free time I noticed those changes. The big change was a set of new standards are got approved(C++11. C++14) and few standards are waiting for approval.