Technical Solution
| 1
min read
Older versions of C++ has different ways to initialize types. But with new C++ standards defined a uniform way to initialize any type of objects. Use braces ({})for initializing types.

Technical Solution
| 1
min read
Usually for loop takes a counter to iterate through the elements. For that you have to initialize a counter, check whether the counter is less than the total element count, then take element from the container and use use it and increment counter.

Technical Solution
| 2
min read
Suppose we have a base class with one virtual function and releasing it to the clients. The user of this class can write a derived class. There he can override the base class virtual function. But accidentally he wrote a wrong parameter type like the following code sample. What will happen?

Drupal Technical
| 2
min read
It will be nice to have an icon and a popup help text for items that you need to give give some explanations. We can use CiviCRM help system for that. See how it can be done.

Technical Solution
| 1
min read
I need to store some configuration information about my extension in database. Initially I thought of having a new table to store those. Then I found out that CiviCRM gives that feature. Here is its tip:

Technical Solution
| 1
min read
In one of form that I created it need some client side dynamic behavior. I did that in a javascript and used JQuery. But it did not worked. I thought that JQuery did not work in CiviCRM.

Technical Solution
| 1
min read
When I was calling CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery() it gave error. I don't have any idea what went wrong. Not sure whether the SQL statement was correct or not. After searching for some time I found one function, composeQuery() in CRM_Core_DAO. It can be used to verify SQL query.