Drupal Technical
| 4
min read
Context is one of the most useful architectural modules for Drupal. Contexts allows a site administrator to manage contextual conditions and reactions. Context feature works by setting conditions such as a path or a node type. If that condition is present then the corresponding reactions, such as adding blocks to regions or setting an active menu, will work as configured.

Drupal Technical
| 6
min read
For a Drupal site I had a requirement to create a Rule using the rules modules. It seemed to be working fine. Then I needed to convert the rule to a programmatic rule that I can include inside my custom module.

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
Article will be explaining how to create a Pop up using the colorbox module for our Drupal website. There are certain circumstances were we need to popup blocks to display messages, images, videos etc.
My need was to display a text message on focus out from a particular field inside a content type. Steps are,

Drupal Technical
| 2
min read
There is no Drupal website with out a block. As a Drupal developer there are certain cases we need to create custom blocks programatically. While working in a project I faced an issue with a custom Drupal block creation in Drupal 6 version. I think some of you also faced the same situation,Custom block creation in Drupal 6 is not a big issue. I think the below code will help to handle the situation.

Drupal Technical
| 2
min read
There are certain occasion where we need to customize the submit button as per the requirement, maybe for the visual impact of the site or as per the requirements from the client if you are developer. How to handle this situation ?. This is actually a simple task. Only thing we need to do get the new image for the submit button as suitable and matches for the page inside the Drupal website.

Technical Solution
| 3
min read
Now a days for almost all the website have atleast one select list options. If we want to add a backgroung image or need to theme the select box, the default select list drop down is a big issue we can't able to remove it directly.

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
Now a days for almost all the website have atleast one read more option. Read more options are mainly for excluding the full content of a text or a paragraph to improve its visibility for the user. By the read more option user gets the freedom to view the full content if the user wants.

Technical Solution
| 2
min read
Most of websites today anywhere some time requires speech bubbles. Speech bubble are mainly used for themes purposes were we need to to display some thing different from other part of contents(Include certain text such as tips of any information). With out any images we can create the speech bubble with CSS alone for your websites. The speech bubble creation is not a big task we can create it simply with a few line of css codes

Drupal Technical
| 2
min read
There are certain cases we need to alter a webform in Drupal. How to handle this condition ? There are different methods for handling this situation. Usually for the theming sometime webform alter is very necessary, the main alteration needed are to add html tags. Here i am trying to explain how to alter the webform fields in Drupal.

Drupal Technical
| 2
min read
There are certain cases were we need a copy of our database. In this case we need to export the database in the sql format. This is a simple process and can done in few steps. Certain cases we need full database for example if we need a backup copy of database we need to export the full database and in cases we need to export only certain table from the database. Both are possible. Both the exporting steps are given below