Drupal Technical
| 4
min read
If you are a web developer then in some point of time some client may have asked you to develop sites one for desktop and one for mobile, (probably in iPhone) with almost same contents. If you meet that client again after 2 or 3 years he will ask you to develop more than 5 sites to view it in different popular devices. I don't think it is a good solution to have bespoke designs for each device, since our device landscape is rapidly progressing. So we developers should start thinking radically to meet with this issue.

Drupal Technical
| 5
min read
The Node Gallery module is one of the best options available to create multimedia galleries where both the galleries and the gallery items are nodes. The latest module version for drupal 6.x is 3.2. If you are trying to update the module from 2.0 to 3.2 you will find some issue with the cover photo of galleries. The cover photos won't come up after the update. Read on to know how solve the issue after the Node Gallery update

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
In a Wordpress we can assign categories to each post and have listing of posts in each categories. Sometimes we need to list the contents of a particular category as the home page. In Wordpress we can make a static page as the home page under the settings tab, i.e. Settings » Reading settings. There you can make a static page as home page but not the contents in a category.

Drupal Technical
| 3
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If you are a Drupal Developer you will often encounter situations where you have to use the node_save() function to add a new node to your Drupal site. Drupal does not need you to specify the nid in the standard node object. However there will be situations where you need the nid of the saved node for performing additional operations. If you are looking to know how to get the nid from a newly added node using node_save() then read on.

Drupal Technical
| 2
min read
Many Drupal users wanted to know how to get the list of allowed values in a field in Drupal 7. If you have faced with the same question just like me while using Drupal field module in Drupal 7 core then read on to find out the solution.

Technical Solution
| 2
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AJAX is now widely used in to web development to make the user interfaces simpler and faster. We may use AJAX to load images after page load in order to increase performance. However if you want to have a lightbox popup with the full image bound to an image loaded by AJAX then you might run into problems. You will find that even after linking the JS, CSS files and adding the rel="lightbox" attribute to the images it might not work.

Technical Q&A
| 2
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Are you looking for an easy way to delete hundreds and thousands of nodes in your Drupal CMS? We all know how to delete it using the normal admin panel which forces us to select all and clicking the delete button again and again. If you are a lazy person then probably you don't like to waste your time to find some stupid script to delete all nodes. In fact there is no need to do that, since somebody had already done that. I am saying about the Devel Generate module. Yes, Devel Generate to delete nodes!

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
As the world of internet grows day to day, the more educated and ever-wanting userbase now needs more data asynchronously. They don’t like to wait or load another page to see their data. In such situations we developers need to use more and more AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajax_(programming)) in the development of websites. Using AJAX in your web-development workflow is not that much difficult as you think. There is already a wide range of famous ajax libraries that make handling asynchronous requests easy for us.

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
Have you ever wondered how that cool site you saw last day had those cool interfaces and you wished your Drupal site could have the same coolness? jQueryUI is your saviour here. jQueryUI is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries out there in the world of web development. jQueryUI allows you to add very cool user interface elements to your website without much effort.