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HookSupport is a platform facilitating the development of Drupal sites through on-demand Drupal support services. HookSupport provides Drupal development and support service as hourly packages. Starting from 5 hours per month, HookSupport offers a range of options that a client could purchase from depending on their requirement.

Drupal Technical
| 3
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This article covers, how to send email programmatically in your Drupal 8 site. There are two main steps to send an email using Drupal 8. First we need to implement hook_mail() to define email templates and the second step is to use the mail manager to send emails using these templates. Let's see an example for sending an email from the custom module, also the following name spaces.

Drupal Technical
| 2
min read
In one of my Drupal 8 work I needed to configure SMTP using swiftmailer Module. The module extends the basic mail sending functionality which is provided by Drupal by delegating all mail handling to Swift Mailer library. This library provides features, such as :

Drupal Technical
| 2
min read
This article covers, how to send email programmatically in your Drupal 8 site. There are two main steps to send an email using Drupal 8. First we need to implement hook_mail() to define email templates and the second step is to use the mail manager to send emails using these templates. Let's see an example for sending an email from the custom module, also the following name spaces.

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
This article explains how to replace tokens to webform, views, blocks and Drupal forms from the node body. The preg_replace function for replacing the tokens. The preg_replace function works in the same way as preg_match. preg_replace is used to search a regular expression and replace it.

Drupal Technical
| 3
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This article covers to the How to integrate Single Page Site module in a Drupal website. Single page site is of one of the newest trends in web designing. It allows you to automatically create a single page from a menu. The single page module will render all contents from the configured menus and links.It will then override the menu links so that they refer to an anchor instead of a new page.

Drupal Technical
| 2
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Discover how to enhance your Drupal website's user experience with Readmore Js. Follow our step-by-step guide to easily install and configure this useful feature through your Drupal theme.

Technical Solution
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In this article we will show you how to create an email account in cPanel for one of your domain names.Follow these steps create email accounts in your Cpanel account.

Drupal Technical
| 2
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View is the one of the popular Drupal module. Views are used to display a list of data, table of data etc. This article will guide you in recreating a view in Drupal 7. Its very easy to recreate a view.

Technical Solution
| 3
min read
PhoneGap is an open source based Mobile App Development Framework. It is also known as Apache Cordova. Every mobile operating system providers have their own set tools and environments for developing application. Application made for one operating system and it's not support other operating systems. Developers using different frameworks and languages to building mobile applications for each devices- iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile etc. PhoneGap solve the above mentioned problem. Are you searching for an App Development, ping us quickly.