Drupal Technical
| 1
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Using Drupal 7.x contributed Rules module we can write conditional actions on events. Conditions can be simple or complex. Here we are going to discuss how to write or configure rules conditional action on event validate commerce payment discount coupon.

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
This article discuss about setting snippets for Geany, a light weight IDE especially for Drupal 7 web developers as per coding standards. For those whom doesn't know, snippets are a small piece of source code which are meant for reuse. For example: while coding instead of typing full if conditional statement structure for each time we can just reuse them by the means of creating snippet for the same.

Drupal Technical
| 4
min read
In Drupal 7 by default we can't send html mail, since Drupal will convert all emails to plain text before sending. This could be overridden using Drupal 7 htmlmail contributed module. We may also need i>mailsystem module for implementing htmlmail, which is a dependency. The module also give html mail template, which could be customized as well in same way of theme templates.

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
In Drupal, drupal_commerce module can be integrated with authnet_arb module by which we can implement Auhorize.Net subscription or recurring billing. Before integration we have make some hack on the sandbox module to make it effectively work with drupal_commerce and bug free.

Drupal Technical
| 4
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Authorize.net is a popular alternative to Paypal for eCommerce websites especially its recurring transaction product - Authorize.net ARB (Automated Recurring Billing). Drupal support for Authnet ARB is available through Ubercart but it is not available for Drupal_commerce. However there is a workaround to setup Authorizet.net ARB to work with Drupal commerce. Read on to know more.

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
FSF-CiviCRM is a popular Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. The first step in getting started is understanding the CiviCRM codebase. For better understanding, please download CiviCRM zip file from https://civicrm.org/download and install.

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
We as a PHP Drupal web platform developer most often has to face the situation to export data from one table to another table of same database or to table of another database (if site uses multiple databases) during the process of any change in normal work flow.
Most of us normally think to export the data from one table to another by firstly querying the required data from source table and then looping through the query result and inserting them to destination table. This can be simply achieved with a single query.