Drupal Technical
| 1
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Some alignment issues occurring in IE may be a test for your patience. We had once worked in a Drupal 6 site, and the design look well every where, but there is a small alignment problem shown up in IE. Applying a conditional style sheet saved our time. Read on to know about how to apply conditional css in a Drupal 6 site.

Drupal Technical
| 3
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Awareness about context plays a key role in effectiveness of each task we have to do because clear thought and action is mostly not possible with vaugue assumptions or guesses. In case of web development using Drupal framework, better if we predefine each and every context we have to go through and it is very important to save our time and helps us to work efficiently. So if you are a web developer and have Drupal in your toolkit, there is an interesting module called Context, which helps you to define contexts and set up your web application based on the defined contexts. This article helps you to start with context module.

Technical Solution
| 3
min read
Git is very popular guy in the world of version control systems and it is distributed by nature Without using a VCS, handling a project's multiple versions will get you in trouble very often. If multiple people are working on same project, this may be thousand fold. But if your client's service provider only gave you ftp access and it happens quite often, so you have to handle the project without the help of git. But we can track files easily using git-ftp, without having ssh access to the server.

Drupal Technical
| 4
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While resizing an image, the important point that we should take care is, the image dimension. Image dimension is basically the width and height of an image. It should be kept as in the same ratio of the original image while resizing, if you want your image to be distortion free. ie, the aspect ratio (width:height) of the original image must be same as the aspect ratio of the re-sized image.

Drupal Technical
| 4
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We had faced an issue with invoice sent by authorize.net, for anonymous purchase a product in ubercart in one of our Drupal 7 site. After the purchase is completed, the user receives an invoice from authorize.net. But if the user is anonymous, the invoice's customer id is set as zero. We had sorted out the issue and fixed it. Read on to know how to solve this problem

Drupal Technical
| 2
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Webform is a helpful module that enables you to submit information such as contact forms, surveys etc. It is easy to configure webform in a drupal site. Now, what about displaying a webform inside a colorbox? Although it is easy to install colorbox module and write custom code to display webform, we also have to effectively handle form submission and validation errors. However, there is an easy way in drupal7 to display a webform inside a colorbox.

Drupal Technical
| 2
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If you need to import users from the data given in a file in drupal 6, then user import module is helpful. Using this module, we can upload the file in csv format, which contains user details and select the details from the uploaded file using the user import module.

Technical Solution
| 2
min read
Cron is a job scheduler, which helps to set the list of tasks, supposed to be executed periodically. However, if you are a Drupal developer and wondering how to add the drupal cron to the cron tab, here is the way.

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
SugarCRM is a popular open source CRM software. We had integrated data from Drupal 7 to SugarCRM recently on one of our Drupal projects. This article gives an overview about how to create modules in SugarCRM and connect them to a Drupal site. Read on to know how to integrate SugarCRM with Drupal

Drupal Technical
| 4
min read
You might think what is the big deal if your Drupal site performs badly.To put it simply, if the performance of your site is poor,you will lose a lot of potential customers. So, one of the core aspects of a Drupal website is its performance. We had worked on a Drupal site that had several blocks. To enhance the site's performance, one of the steps we had taken was to set up a time base caching for all blocks. Are you curious to know how we did this? Read ahead.