Technical Solution
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Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google which tracks and reports website traffic. This is most widely used now. Continue reading the article for how to get the number of page views of your website using google analytics data.

Drupal Technical
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A Payment gateway tends to offer multiple types of payment services, that provides onsite and offsite options. Onsite payment is processed by a third party API using web services with the information gathered from our site through a checkout form (For example : Credit card/Debit card credentials). Offsite payment method, on the other hand, processes data entered in the payment gateway page. It redirects the users to the processing page of the payment gateway using the checkout form. After the payment is completed, the user will be redirected to the payment page, from where the user can move forward or backward in the checkout process. Here, let's take a look at the creation of custom offsite payment gateway module.

Technical Solution
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Converting the jpg to text is done by OCR(Optical character reading). There are lot of online OCR services available now. But these services set a limit in the input file size we are feeding. So the best option is to do conversion through the shell command. Here I explain the conversion using the shell commands.

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Drupal webforms are used to create custom forms in site, mainly for the surveys functionality. We can take the submissions results and analyse the averages of the submissions. Here we got a client requirement that he had to give a set of questions to the users to his users and he wants graphical representation of the submission results.

Drupal Technical
| 3
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Creating a custom theme in drupal is nearly a simple thing if you are good at css styling. Let us take a walk through the structure of theme implementation in drupal.

Drupal Technical
| 2
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My Live Chat provides a Drupal Plugin for collaborating with the Drupal website visitors. My Live Chat Drupal Plugin is fully customizable. It is pretty light-weight and easy to install. This requires only a free account at Mylivechat to integrate with Drupal websites. Also it is a free. It offers fast and high performance live chat solution with the most user-friendly application. It allows to live chat with visitors, monitor traffic, and analyze their activities including their search engine and keyword usage.

Drupal Technical
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After smartphones born, people don't just use desktop computer or laptop anymore to visit the websites. They will go for smartphones, tablets, palmtops and so on. How can we keep design to all these different devices? There is a way, that`s responsive webdesign.As the name tells, its a matter of responding to the site user's device specifics.

Drupal Technical
| 4
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A feature is a set of Drupal entities, taken together to satisfy a certain use-case. A Drupal Module 'features' is used to create custom features. Let us check how to create a custom feature.

Drupal Technical
| 2
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Entity Field query in Drupal 7 is the querying technique used in the Drupal to cut short the huge queries. It is like an ORM(object relation mapping) technique like doctrine. Let us go through the entity Field querying methods.

Drupal Technical
| 2
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Altering a query is to change the results as desired by the user. hook__views_query_alter() in Drupal is for altering the query. Before start reading, you should have an idea about what is a view and how views created? See here.