Technical Solution
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Drush is a command-line shell for Drupal that enables you to perform many website maintenance tasks and administrative tasks from the terminal instead of using the Drupal administrative interface. Drush aliases allow you to run Drush commands on your local server but actually, the command executes on a remote server. This is a real-time saver while working locally and you want to do something on the remote server.
Technical Solution
| 2
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The article Introduction to iContact API describes a small introduction for iContact. Actually the data passed to iContact is in JSON format or in XML format. Mainly contact information and emails are passed to iContact. Data are passed to iContact in the following format.
Drupal Technical
| 2
min read
To submit a Drupal form, suppose a registration form to Hubspot we need the following.
Drupal Technical
| 1
min read
Simple news module is used to integrate newsletter subscriptions to a drupal website. Simplenews publishes and sends newsletters to lists of subscribers
Drupal Technical
| 2
min read
The Commerce Card on File module provides an API with a user interface for storing and reusing credit card data on subsequent orders. This module didn't hold full card numbers locally. Instead of this it stores the remote ID of the full card data from the payment gateway that is used to validate and process your credit card transactions.
Drupal Technical
| 2
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In one of my Drupal projects, I had a requirement to submit data from a webform to an external application. hook_webform_submission_insert() helps to meet my requirement. In your custom module, call the hook function hook_webform_submission_insert().
Business Solution
| 2
min read
iContact provides email marketing for small to middle sized businesses and also the non-profits. iContact supports easy creation of email newsletters, surveys, auto responders, a wide range of features for professional marketers so that they can collect and analyze data, send emails using a single service.
Drupal Technical
| 2
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Here I am listing some methods to clear Drupal caches. Drupal caching is done to improve and enhance overall performances of the site. Its always recommended to enable the page caching and block caching in Drupal.
Technical Solution
| 3
min read
Secure Copy (SCP) allows files to be copied between, to, or from different hosts. In this article, we will discuss How to use SCP in Ubuntu GNU/Linux.
Technical Solution
| 2
min read
This article will help you to declare and print a variable using programming basic, intermediate shell scripts and how to use Bash script to copy files in Ubuntu. Actually, Bash is very simple and flexible UNIX shell scripting language which need some permission while executing.