Drupal Technical
| 2
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In this article I will be explaining how to create a custom media gallery functionality using the library Fancybox.
First step is to create the content type 'Media Gallery(media_gallery)' and add the following fields in page 'admin/structure/types/manage/media_gallery/fields'

Technical Solution
| 4
min read
This article will explain, how to display mouse over image for a gallery block image or on any content image in Firefox Web Browser.
While working on a project I required to display a mouse over the image, say 'View More' image for the last image in a gallery block. For the mouse hover in the image tag, I added a background image. See the code below.

Drupal Solution
| 4
min read
Olive Publications needed a multi language online shopping site for books. They used to sell their books through other shopping sites. They decided to create their own e-commerce site for their books as well as books from other publishers, so they approached us.

Drupal Technical
| 6
min read
In this article will be explaining how to store user IP address to a custom table during registration and display the result using views.

Drupal Technical
| 7
min read
Creating an order invoice detail as pdf can be a most frequent requirement when dealing with web applications. In this article I like to explain how to create a more advanced pdf document in Drupal. We will be creating a order detail report using tcpdf. TCPDF in based on FPDF which contains more advanced features compared to FPDF.

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
In my previous article "How to create a php script to add a new set of category by using existing taxonomy term as reference id in Drupal 6 ?" I have explained upto replacing taxonomy term using term id. In this article replacing taxonomy term using term name and also how to create a crone job for executing the script in regular intervals.

Drupal Technical
| 1
min read
While working on a Drupal site I came across this issue that if my site is having many feeds and what happens if many users try to access this, which can possibly make our site slow. One of the possible solution is that we could create another domain for our feeds so that users can access the feeds from that domain. Also you can refer the article How to create a custom feed on Drupal 7 site using views to know how to create feeds using views

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
In this article I like to explain how to create a pdf document in Drupal. We will be using a PHP library called TCPDF. TCPDF is the only PHP free and open source library which comprise full support for right-to-left languages, also includes bidirectional algorithm and UTF-8.
[Drupal] How to display Affiliate links on page load for the contents using Category as reference id

Drupal Technical
| 5
min read
In my previouds article "How to display Affiliate Links on page load for the contents using Category as reference id-Part 1?" I have provided a brief intrduction on affliate links and what all configurations we must do. In this article I will be explaining how to generate Affiliate Link on page load using hook_nodeapi().

Technical Solution
| 6
min read
In wordpress site one of the most commonly used plugin is Contact Form 7. In this plugin one of the main feature is that when a user submits a form we could get IP address of the user, but unfortunately we can't get the location. Here I will be explaining how we can create a custom plugin to get the location by using corresponding IP address and a third party service. You can also refer the article How to get the IP address and Country code using the API key of a third party service?