Technical Solution
| 2
min read
@font-face allows designers to specifically embed certain fonts in to their stylesheets. Now a days many sites are providing webfonts. For eg: Fontsquirrel, Webfonts etc. They are providing us with the css too, but it is not correct. This article explain about what they are doing wrong and how to fix this issue.

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
How can we install multiple domains or multi-sites in a single Drupal installation? We can install multiple domains in two ways:
Single database with different prefix(not recommended)
For each domain, use different databases

Technical Solution
| 2
min read
If you want know how to configure Google Analytics for your Drupal site checkout How to check Google Analytics on a Drupal website?. We can also get the analytics info from within a Drupal site. Read on to know how to view the Google Analytics report from within a Drupal site.