Implementation of test strategy for a particular project is known as "test approach". The test approach is usually defined in all test plans and test designs. Test approach refers to the commencement of various project activities such as planning the testing process, selecting the designs, defining the entry and exit criteria etc.
MoSCoW is a method used for identifying main concerns. It is used in software development to reach an understanding with stakeholders on the significance they place on the delivery of each specific requirement.At Risk and Requirement Based Testing (RRBT), a MoSCoW concern is given to each of the specifications and risks. The abbreviation is based on four terms measuring the priority: Must-Should-Could-Won't. The o's were included to create a phrase that is simpler to articulate.
Integration testing is grey box testing method in which combined parts of an application is tested to determine whether all these functions works together. Let us learn this with an example.
Suppose your Drupal site sells online products and the shipment charge is set in such a way that it will be applicable to the product depending on the weight and destination. While doing the unit testing, tester has to test product selection, setting price,setting shipment to the destination etc separately. But in integration testing we test all these different functionality as a whole.
Statement coverage is a white box testing technique, which involves the execution of all the statements at least once in the source code. It is a metric, which is used to calculate and measure the number of statements in the source code which have been executed.
The performance of a site should be tested in order to ensure how fast and reliable a site is. In this article I will be covering the steps to be followed for carrying out some of these performance tests. The topics being 'testing the GZipped Content Delivery', 'Whether FTP is enabled on Server', 'MySQL Remote Access on Server' and 'Password Based SSH Access on Server'.
Drupal Performance Test - GZipped Content Delivery
In order to check the gzipped content delivery,
One of the most important aspects of a Drupal application is obviously its interface which is all what an end user gets to see. These Web Design issues/bugs negatively affect the final look and feel of the end product. Here are some of the most common design issues to be avoided by a Drupal tester.
User migration in web application is the process of migrating all users from one site (development site) to another (live site). Recently I have worked on a project where I got a chance to test user migration. In our project we had developed user migration in a sandbox environment. Following are the test cases for user migration.
Test cases/checklists:
Drupal sites usually have authorized as well as unauthorized users. The privilege of authorized users is that they can access certain pages of the website in addition to the pages that can be accessed by unauthorized users. A user account page/Login page is included in Drupal for those users who wish to access the website as an authenticated user. Read on to know the test cases to test the login page in Drupal.
The default Drupal Login page mainly consists of following three tabs (Check the images for reference).
Here is a simple template for a basic Requirement Traceability Matrix. Requirement Traceability Matrix is actually the mapping between requirements, test cases and the defects related to corresponding requirements. This will help us in ensuring the test coverage against a requirement. Also, defects can be verified against the requirements or user stories.
When a tester identifies a bug, they need to report it clearly to the developer as soon as possible. Email is a very time consuming tool for such a task. We use Redmine, an open source project tracking tool to report bugs on the software we develop. Read on to know to use Redmine as a bug reporting tool for your Drupal site.
Global Redirect is a functional module which ensures the correct redirection of users to the alias of a given drupal path, thus avoiding duplicated content from multiple URLs. This is very important for SEO because otherwise search engines will see the same content at the Drupal path as well as at its alias causing it to believe that the site is duplicating content at two different URLs
The methodology which follows quick and well coordinated movement is Agile methodology. Agile refers something which will do very quickly. As soon as the developer completed coding, testing will start and report all the bugs. Rather than testing, a tester can pointed out his ideas also. Quality of the deliverable is emphasized which will avoid the defects coming from the end user.
For your better understanding consider the following example.
There wouldn't be any Drupal site that doesn't have forms on it - Drupal being a CMS, forms have always been an integral part of every Drupal version from start. Forms provide an easy interface to the website users to input information to the site.
Just as for File Upload fields, Image Upload fields are equally prone to hack attempts. They also have additional functionality to do post-upload, such as passing the image through various image processing filters / presets. While testing Image Upload Fields, you have to take into consideration all these points. Here are some test cases to help you test image upload fields on a Drupal site:
When focusuing on Drupal website development, user roles and permissions are an important way of controlling access to the site. This is more so important when there are multiple individuals besides the website owner who administers the site. Other people can be assigned certain 'roles' which define the kind of access that is to be granted. Basically in Drupal, the Site maintainer and Administrator roles are given all the available permissions and Drupal Administrator role receives all permissions throughout the lifespan of the site. This is not the case for other 'roles', where access within admin permissions and time limits only are granted to users linked to those roles.
A contact form is included with websites mainly to allow users to communicate with the site administrator, share their feedback/messages regarding the website or reaching out to the business owner of the site for services/support. In this article, I have covered a set of test cases that can be used to test the Drupal site contact form.reach
You might ponder as to why test a link, or even include it as a test case when there are several other major functionalities to be tested in a Drupal website. Every site, be it Drupal or non-Drupal, contains numerous links, some of which lead to external sites and some that whirl within the site. The 'web' works extensively through links, and it is through links that sites are navigated to and get found. Links are also the underlying indicators for security of a site. So links should be paid attention to and be tested thoroughly. Here are some test cases to help you get started:
If you are a web tester new to a Drupal website and you got a Drupal website for testing, then you can take your baby steps in testing with the basic content types of the site - such as pages, story as almost all sites have at least one content of this type. Read on to know the details about some of the content types in a Drupal website and its test cases.
Automation is the process of evaluating the AUT(Application under Test) against the specification with the help of a tool. In this article we are gong to discuss the Scope of automation in testing.