Drupal Technical
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You can create your custom color box styles instead of using a plugin provided styles. For creating custom color box style go to /sites/all/modules/contrib/color box/styles copy any one of the folders. (You can find plain, default, and Stockholm syndrome styles there).Place the copied folder into your theme folder. Rename the folder with your custom name. Also, rename the CSS and js files.

Technical Solution
| 2
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Forms are probably essential part in websites. Because forms are creating the user interface to collect data from users. In CodeIgniter we can generate and handle data with the help of form helper.

Technical Solution
| 2
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CodeIgniter URL's are search engine friendly and user friendly. CodeIgniter using segment based approach rather than query string. But it supports query strings, you can optionally enable it.

Technical Solution
| 3
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Ruby on Rails, a web application framework. Don't confused this with Ruby. Because Ruby is object oriented, reflective, dynamic programming language. It is quite hard. And the Rails is the MVC (Model-View-Controller)framework. It's installation in Ubuntu can be done in few commands and steps. Now, select the version of Ruby, you want to install on your computer.

Technical Solution
| 3
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Some times we need static pages on sites. In CodeIgniter, to show a static page in a site, you have to create a Controller for handling the page display. A Controller is a class which has methods to handle the HTTP request, that is Models and Views in a site.

Technical Solution
| 3
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CodeIgniter is an open source PHP frame work with simple MVC pattern. CodeIgniter is lightweight, generates clean URLs and uses very simple template parser. CodeIgniter didn't require a specific template engine for website layout. Latest version of CodeIgniter is Version 3.0.0. It is a loosely coupled, faster, flexible and high performance system. It supported the database such as MySQL (5.1+), Oracle, MS SQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, etc.

Drupal Technical
| 4
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When looking for Drupal native e-commerce carts its limited to two packages Ubercart and Commerce. Ubercart is the long leading one and Commerce is the new one, but developed for drupal 7. Commerce is a bit complex when compared with Ubercart but it offers more features like shipping, inventory control etc. And another issue with Ubercart stores who want to upgrade to Drupal 7 is, lot of Ubercart contrib modules weren't being upgraded to 7. So the solution is Commerce.

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ഓടിപ്പിടിച്ച് വന്നപ്പോഴേയ്ക്കും ജനശദാബ്ദി പോയി ഇനി ബസിനു പോകുന്നതാണ് ബുദ്ധി. അക്ഷരാർത്ഥത്തിൽ ഓടി ബസ്റ്റാന്റിലേയ്ക്ക്. പുറപ്പെടാറായ ഒരു ബസിലെയ്ക് ചാടി കയറി. ഭാഗ്യം സീറ്റു കിട്ടി. ആശ്വാസം .. ഞാനാകെ ത്രില്ലിലാണ്. ബിനാലെ ആണു ലക്ഷ്യം . കഴിഞ്ഞ തവണ ഒത്തിരി കേട്ടു കൊതിച്ചതല്ലാതെ എനിക്ക് കാണാനായില്ല. ഇത്തവണ എന്തായാലും പോകുന്നു. നന്നായിരിക്കുമോ ? എനിക്കൊന്നും മനസിലാകാതെ പോകുമോ ?.