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We have been offering short term internships to students in different areas of our operations. In the past we have been primarily offering internships in non-drupal related tasks. This year we had offered internships to a batch of students from RV College of Engineering for working with our development team and learn Drupal. We are happy to announce that the first batch of students have successfully completed their internship this month.
Drupal Technical
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A Drupal user using running a Drupal website in another language encountered a situation where the Double-quote (“) character is retained in the URL aliases generated by the Drupal Pathauto module. If you happen to be running a Drupal website in a language other than English and encountering such characters in the alias generated by the Drupal Pathauto module then proceed down below to know the solution.
Drupal Technical
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A number of Drupal users using the Drupal Pathauto module in their Drupal site had reported that Google was indexing node-urls of the pages of their Drupal site instead of the url-aliases. If you are a Drupal user facing the same dire situation in your Drupal site then continue reading to know the solution to the above issue.
Drupal Technical
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A number of Drupal users were encountering a scenario in their Drupal site where the Drupal Pathauto automatic alias checkbox was coming up on all pages by itself. If you are a Drupal user facing the same situation in your Drupal site then read on to find out to know the cause of the issue and the easy workaround for the issue.
Drupal Technical
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A number of Drupal users were facing a scenario in their Drupal site where the Drupal Pathauto automatic alias checkbox is visible to anonymous users. If you are a Drupal user facing the same scenario with Drupal Pathauto in your Drupal site then read on to find out the solution.
Drupal Technical
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A number of Drupal users wanted to know how to hide the URL path settings fieldset in a Drupal 7 website. If you are a Drupal user facing the same question in your Drupal site with your Drupal Pathauto module even after using hook_form_alter then read on to find out the solution.
Drupal Technical
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A number of Drupal users were encountering a "PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away: SELECT * FROM {menu_links}... " error message when clicking on the Drupal Pathauto Patterns tab of their Drupal installation. If you are encountering the same situation in your Drupal site then read on to find out the solution.
Drupal Technical
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Many Drupal users have wanted to know how to prevent the path alias from being changed when editing the title. If you are facing issues when the path alias changes after editing the node title in your Drupal module then read on to find out the solutions.
Drupal Technical
| 6
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A Drupal user wanted to know how to disable Pathauto for migrated nodes in their Drupal site. If you are a Drupal user who is facing the same issue while migrating nodes in your Drupal site and would like to know how to disable Pathauto for migrated nodes then read on to know the solution.