
Zyxware default image3
| 1 min read
The list of holidays for Zyxware for the year 2007 is as follows. January 26 - Republic Day February 16 - Shivratri March 31 - Milad-e-Sherif (Nabidinam) April 6 - Good Friday May 1 - May Day (Labour Day) August 15 - Independence Day August 27 - Thiru Onam August 28 - Shri Narayana Guru October 2 - Gandhi Jayanti October 13 - Ramzan * December - 20 - Bakrid * December - 25 - Christmas * Subject to change depending on the sighting of moon.
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| 5 min read
HP Pavilion has announced their laptop prices for the month of August 2007. They have tried to give more value to the money paid by the customers. LightScribe enabled DVD burners have been included. Couple of models have fingerprint reader. All these models come with pre-installed Microsoft Windows Vista Home Edition. The list of models along with the prices are given below.
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| 7 min read
Mircosoftpowerpoint.exe is a file that is created by a virus named w32.USBWorm. This virus is an epidemic and spreads very rapidly through USB drives. When a USB drive is connected to a computer which is already affected by this virus, it gets affected. The virus in the computer will transfer all its files into the drive. When this USB drive is connected to another unaffected computer, it will transfer all the required files to the computer's hard drive.
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| 4 min read
A recent review in Business-World has rated the low bandwidth availability in India as an important factor that could possibly slow down the IT growth rate in India. Some of the aspects discussed included the low penetration of broadband among the populace and the low bandwidth available for the network infrastructure. As a private company there is very little that we can do to mitigate this problem. However we have come up with a novel approach to share our bandwidth with those people who does not have access to high bandwidths.
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| 3 min read
When you are posting a blog on your blogspot, blogger automatically uses your title to create a url for your post. This happens only if you have enabled post pages in the Settings » Archives » Enable post pages setting to true. However if you are using a fairly long title, blogger will simply truncate at the end of the last complete word so that the total remains within 40 characters.
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| 2 min read
Ubuntu installation on a system which already has other operating systems is simple. Ubuntu will automatically detect other operating systems already installed on the computer and enable booting into them from the grub boot menu. However if you install Windows on a system which already has Ubuntu installed on a partition other than the partition on to which you install windows then you will inevitably lose the option to boot into the Ubuntu installation. There is a simple way to rectify this issue.
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| 4 min read
One of the most common support requests we receive from our customers is for clearing their computers of viruses. Most of the infections that we see are by viruses that spread by capitalizing on the ignorance of the users. A few smart steps, if taken by the users, could easily prevent infection from some of the more common viruses that float around in the cyber-universe.
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| 5 min read
One of the strange types of complaints we receive from our customers is "The system was working fine till yesterday, I had shut down the system and it is not booting now". Strange as it may sound the common feature of these support requests included burnt motherboards, non-functional PCI Card slots and sometimes burnt Ethernet cards. One common factor in such cases was that these customers had Asianet Dataline as their internet service.
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| 3 min read
We have started our hosting and domain services division. This takes us one more step closer to being a Total Solution Provider. Keeping true to our commitment to deliver quality at affordable prices we have finalized on our pricing for these services. We hope to empower the common man as well as the corporates to be able to fully utilize the power of internet through our end-to-end solutions and appropriate use of Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS).
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| 3 min read
Ubuntu has a very user-friendly installation interface. The whole installation takes only a few mouse-clicks and takes only around 15-20 minutes on almost any new system. We have not had any complications in Ubuntu Installations until recently when we had to Install Ubuntu on an Intel 945GCNL motherboard with Intel Dual Core processor.
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| 5 min read
Compaq Presario has announced the prices of various models of laptops. Compaq is concentrating more on the entry level systems and prices are more competitive. Here is the list of models and the prices. Compaq Presario C555TU Intel Celeron-M 440 @ 1.86GHz (Intel 940GML Express Chipset / 1MB L2 Cache / 533 Mhz FSB), 256MB PC2-4200 DDR2 (533MHz), 80 GB SATA - 24X CDRW-DVD Combo Drive, 15.4” Colour TFT ; BrightView™ WideScreen, Free DOS, Wireless LAN, Carry Case Rs. 25,490/-
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| 5 min read
We are happy to extend phone-based support for all Ubuntu users in Kerala. We have been providing at-site support for Ubuntu Users in Trivandrum for the last one year and we would like to offer this service to all existing Ubuntu users and prospective Ubuntu users in Kerala.
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| 3 min read
When we started Zyxware we had no clue as to how to start a company, how to and what to document, how to do our accounting and stuff. We had to undergo a process of trial and error to figure out what are the things we were supposed to do as a company. We don't want another entrepreneur to waste his/her time in doing what we have done. With this view we have created our Open Documentation Policy.
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| 5 min read
It is that time of the year when fresh graduates are going to come out into the job market in massive swarms and we are planning to provide opportunities for a lucky few at our organization. We have job openings for both freshers as well as experienced candidates. We are looking forward to finding smart, self motivated, intelligent young men and women with strong analytical and communication skills. If you are a prospective candidate we would like you to answer the following questions before you proceed any further
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| 4 min read
It can be safely assumed that an average home computer user uses his computer mostly to send/receive mails, browse the net, access online applications, watch movies, listen to music, use some desktop applications and work on documents or spreadsheets, in that order of decreasing frequency of use. But for the avid gamers, most would play some sort of simple computer games like card games, puzzles, chess etc. A very small percentage of the population would use a home computer for programming.
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| 4 min read
One of the most common questions we hear from potential customers who come to buy PC's or Laptop's is whether we will be installing Windows XP on the computers we assemble. Our answer has been the same - "Yes we will, if you pay for it". We would like to clarify our policy regarding piracy. We understand that piracy is illegal and we will not be doing anything to promote piracy.
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| 6 min read
The prices for Lenovo laptops Y500 series and N100 series have been announced. The price list is attached below. For more up-to-date prices please contact us at 0471-2437711 or visit our store. See about us for contact information. All prices listed are pre-tax prices.
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| 11 min read
Toshiba has segmented their laptops into two different ranges - one for the retail segment and another for the enterprise segment. The prices and specifications overlap a bit but they have some exceptionally good high end laptops. The prices for Toshiba Laptops is attached below. Toshiba Laptop Retail Segment
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| 12 min read
Hewlett Packard is focusing on the entry level laptop market with the Compaq Presario series and the premium segment with the HP Pavilion Series. The laptops seem a little too pricey but they come with all the goodies that a premium customer needs. The pricelist for HP Pavilion series is attached below.
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